PC Interfacing - Introducing Variables, Memory concept and Arithmetic
Variables are identifiers whose value may change during the course of execution of a program. An essential element in this process is having a piece of memory that we can call our own, that we can refer to using a meaningful name and where we can store an item of data. Each individual piece of memory so specified is called a variable.
Each variable will store a particular kind of data, which is fixed when we define the variable in our program. One variable might store whole numbers (that is, integers), in which case it couldn't be used to store numbers with fractional values. The value that each variable contains at any point is determined by the instructions in our program and, of course, its value will usually change many times as the program calculation progresses.
Although you can use variable names that begin with an underscore, for example _this and _that, this is best avoided, because there are potential clashes with standard system variables which have the same form. You should also avoid using names starting with a double underscore for the same reason.
Examples of good variable names are:
- Price
- discount
- pShape
- Value_
A variable declaration is a program statement which specifies the name of a variable and the sort of data that it can store. For example, the statement,
int value;
declares a variable with the name value that can store integers. The type of data that can be stored in the variable value is specified by the keyword int. Because int is a keyword, you can't use int as a name for one of your variables.
A single declaration can specify the names of several variables but, as we have said, it is generally better to declare variables in individual statements, one per line. We will deviate from this from time to time, but only in the interests of keeping the code reasonably compact.
When you declare a variable, you can also assign an initial value to it. A variable declaration that assigns an initial value to a variable is called an initialization. To initialize a variable when you declare it, you just need to write an equals sign followed by the initializing value after the variable name. We can write the following statements to give each of the variables an initial value:
int value = 0;
int count = 10;
int number = 5;
In this case, value will have the value 0, count will have the value 10 and number will have the value 5. These three statements are each declarations, definitions and initializations.
There is another way of writing the initial value for a variable in C++ called functional notation. Instead of an equals sign and the value, you can simply write the value in parentheses following the variable name. So we could rewrite the previous declarations as:
int value(0);
int count(10);
int number(5);
If you don't supply an initial value for a variable, then it will usually contain whatever garbage was left in the memory location it occupies by the previous program you ran (there is an exception to this which we shall see later). Wherever possible, you should initialize your variables when you declare them. If your variables start out with known values, it makes it easier to work out what is happening when things go wrong. And if there's one thing you can be sure of, it's that things will go wrong.
Memory Concept
As we have said, integer variables are variables that can only have values that are whole numbers. The number of players in a football team is an integer, at least at the beginning of the game. We already know that you can declare integer variables using the keyword int. These are variables which occupy 4 bytes in memory and can take both positive and negative values.
C++ also provides another integer type, long, which can also be written as long int. In this case, we can write the statement,
long bigNumber = 1000000L, largeValue = 0L;
where we declare the variables bigNumber and largeValue with initial values 1000000 and 0 respectively. The letter L appended to the end of the values specifies that they are long integers. You can also use the small letter l for the same purpose, but it has the disadvantage that it is easily confused with the numeral 1.Integer variables declared as long occupy 4 bytes and since this is the same as variables declared as int using Visual C++ 6.0, they have the same range of values.
The char data type serves a dual purpose. It specifies a one-byte variable that you can use to store integers, or to store a single ASCII character, which is the American Standard Code for Information Interchange. We can declare a char variable with this statement:
char letter = 'A';
This declares the variable letter and initializes it with the constant 'A'. Note that we specify a value which is a single character between single quotes, rather than the double quotes which we used previously for defining a string of characters to be displayed. A string of characters is a series of values of type char, which are grouped together into a single entity called an array. Because the character 'A' is represented in ASCII by the decimal value 65, we could have written this:char letter = 65; // Equivalent to A
to produce the same result as the previous statement. The range of integers that can be stored in a variable of type char is from -128 to 127.We can also use hexadecimal constants to initialize char variables (and other integer types). A hexadecimal number is written using the standard representation for hexadecimal digits: 0 to 9, and A to F (or a to f) for digits with values from 10 to 15. It's also preceded by 0x (or 0X) to distinguish it from a decimal value. Thus, to get exactly the same result again, we could rewrite the last statement as follows:
char letter = 0x41; // Equivalent to A
Variables of the integral types char, int, short or long, which we have just discussed, contain signed values by default. That is, they can store both positive and negative values. This is because the default type modifier for these types is the modifier signed. So, wherever we wrote char, int, or long, we could have written signed char, signed int, or signed long respectively.
If you are sure that you don't need to store negative values in a variable (for example, if you were recording the number of miles you drive in a week), then you can specify a variable as unsigned:
unsigned long mileage = 0UL;
Here, the minimum value that can be stored in the variable mileage is zero, and the maximum value is 4,294,967,295 (that's 232-1). Compare this to the range of -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 for a signed long. The bit which is used in a signed variable to determine the sign, is used in an unsigned variable as part of the numeric value instead. Consequently, an unsigned variable has a larger range of positive values, but it can't take a negative value. Note how a U (or u) is appended to unsigned constants. In the above example, we also have appended L to indicate that the constant is long. You can use either upper or lower case for U and L and the sequence is unimportant, but it's a good idea to adopt a consistent way of specifying such values.netPay = hours * rate - deductions;
Here, the product of hours and rate will be calculated, then deductions subtracted from the value produced. The multiply and divide operators are executed before addition and subtraction. We will discuss the order of execution more fully later in this chapter. The overall result of the expression will be stored in the variable netPay.The minus sign used in the last statement applies to two operands - it subtracts one from another. This is called a binary operation because two values are involved. The minus sign can also be used with one operand to change the sign of its value, in which case it is called a unary minus. You could write this:
int A = 0;
int B = -5;
A = -B; // Changes the sign of the operand
Here, A will be assigned the value +5, because the unary minus changes the sign of the value of the operand B.Note that an assignment is not the equivalent of the equations you saw in high school algebra. It specifies an action to be carried out rather than a statement of fact. The statement,
A = A + 1;
means, 'add 1 to the current value stored in A and then store the result back in A'. As a normal algebraic statement it wouldn't make sense.